Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week2: Exercise 3&4

Wow, I had successfully set up my blog. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be.
In fact, it is fairly simple. I tried using different fonts and templates before publishing.
At last, I chose the one that I think is "decent" in color and design for a librarian's blog.

Although it is encouraged to learn this at work hours, I found it is easier to do this at home which allows to learn in a quiet moment without interruption while I feel more relaxed and focused. The only disadvantage is I can not register my blog through SJPL mail for this exercise at home. Overall, I prefer learning at my own pace at home environment.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Feel free to work at home. Your blog is created and registered; and you are not tied to any computer or browser. The Virtual Services team tracks your progress by reading your blog entries. Have fun!