Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week 1: Exercise1&2

What a wonderful opportunity to learn the new technology with a group of enthusiastic learners in library profession.

The first week of exercise is introduction and understanding my learning style. I learned Blogging has been around for a while. There are many libraries have been using this to communicate with their communities for the current events and news. I am excited about the 9 weeks of learning process. I am sure I can apply my knowledge right away after I complete this course.

The slide show about learning style helped me understand what kind of learner I am. I belong to the group of learners who need structured curriculum and clear instruction. Also I prefer the class which does not proceed for a long time. Therefore, the 23 things course is just right for me to start.

Thanks for the SJ instruction team to provide me this learning opportunity. I cannot wait to explore more!

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

A good beginning, starter. Looking forward to future posts.

Virtual Services Team