Thursday, March 15, 2007
Week 9: Exercise #23 Summarize your thoughts
The above 22 things is my knowledge now. However the exercise 23 is the important input for the administrative team to formulate future learning program. Therefore, I would sincerely present my thoughts below.
1.Appreciation: First of all, I want to express my thanks for the learning 2.0 team who answers my questions, views my blog and gives me feedback. Seeing any comment is important for us. Also I wan to thank Sandra who sends out the weekly tips which helped me start efficiently. Jenny’s visitation to our branch was also helpful to me and many colleagues.
2.More Focused: This program covers a lot of topics for us to learn. I would suggest choose several important ones and allow us to have more time to explore in depth. For example, using Wiki as a tool for creating a path finder is a good idea. Then SJPL can start a library wiki in particular subject area for us to participate.
3.Updated handout: I do not know when the handout is last updated. Some of the screen prints do not match exactly what we see. There are also some steps are not clearly stated. It is difficult to learn by ourselves if we do not have clear instruction to follow. Individual Exploration is very time consuming. For example, in the podcast exercise, we are asked to subscribe RSS to our Bloglines account. Yahoo podcasts do not have obvious big RSS sign. It is embedded under each podcast. It took me a while to find it so I can copy and past to Bloglines.
4.Mission impossible for some staff: Although we are encouraged to learn this at work hours, in reality it is a mission impossible. I asked some people, none of them seem able to do it at work. This kind of learning needs concentration and non interruption. We are so busy at work. I cannot figure out how we can do this at work, especially for some staff like pages and clerks. For this reason, I would suggest to design shorter program for them so anyone can participate.
I like the job as a librarian because I pursue a career with life-long learning opportunity. This Learning 2.0 program exactly provides me an opportunity to extend knowledge after I graduated from the library school. I will definitely participate in any of the similar programs in the future.
Thanks to Virtual Service Team-you had done a good job!
Week 9: Exercise #22 Explore Ebooks and Audio Ebooks
Once a while, I would like to listen to Book CD while I have a long drive. Personally I do not enjoy E-books or Audio E-books in general. The main reason for me is “listening” or reading” an E-book does not give me the feeling of exactly turning the pages and reading something real. However, I can foresee E-books are an inevitable trend to hook book reading to the Z generation who owns all sorts of electron gears.
I explored JPL’s E-books site carefully since I had been questioned at information desk and did not know the proper answers. Now I would like to propose my observations here.
First, to most customers, they do not know the difference between Net Library and Overdrive Digital Library. They do not understand under what circumstance they should search a title in Net Library or when they should go to Digital Library. This type of basic questions should be informed through the SLPL E-book Site to let the customers know about it.
Second, Another problem puzzled me is the search feature in SJPL E-books site. I wonder if this search feature is linked to SLPL’s book catalog. If yes, why isn’t there an advanced search feature here? I assume if there is the advanced search feature would help librarians or customers yield more precise results.
Third, why E-Books is listed under the category of Research instead of the home page?
Here is the link takes me to the E-book collections.
I assume E-books are considered an important part of the SJPL collection and cost lots of money to subscribe, shouldn't it put at a dominant place for people to see and to use? I doubt the public would know it is hidden under Research. Is there a particular reason for doing this?
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Week 9: Exercise #21 Podcasts
I turned to to see if I had better luck. Unfortunately, its layout and the quality of the content were unbearable. I tried some searches and found the results were just far behind my expectation.
The last shot was Yahoo podcasts. I liked it the best. The layout, the coverage and the content was the best among all the three podcast directories. It was so easy to get what I want and without even asking me to download additional program to listen. I found several podcasts that I liked such as NPR: Story of the Day, Inside Silicon Valley, ESL learning etc.
I especially liked the features What We Like and What Other People Like. In my opinion, this organized feature will help numerous users access at least something they enjoyed with the least efforts.
Now I have one question.
Do I have to install QuickTime or iTunes to hear some podcasts? I saw the license mark from Apple, is there any copyright issue associated with those podcasts?
Thanks for your answer!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Week 9: Exercise #20 Discover YouTube
Look at the “mission statement” that I took from YouTube. I highlight the important words below.
- YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you.
- With YouTube you can:• Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide
- Browse thousands of original videos uploaded by community members
- Find, join and create video groups to connect with people with similar interests
- Customize your experience with playlists and subscriptions
I kind of understand why it is popular. As I had observed, YouTube at least has these features: broad coverage and influence, free and freedom, a social and fun place. Most of all, the user has total control of what he wants to post. There is no wonder it is popular for the young generation who wants to be in the driver seat.
Personally I see the educational value of YouTube is minimum; however, I find out its tagging feature is wonderful. It is very easy for me to find the videos that I want to see and avoid those that I dislike. Maybe the similar concept of tagging can comprehensively apply to the library’s website someday. Therefore, the website of the library is more user friendly.
Here is the funny library video that I like and want to share with you. I laughed when I watched it, how about you?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Week8: Exercise #19 Take a Look at LibraryThing
First, this is a good tool for those book lovers who do not even have any knowledge about bibliographic records.
Second, this is a good tool for the library to merchandise the best sellers. The reader can easily find the books by covers.
Third, this is a safe social place for book lovers. I read some group discussion in the librarian LibrayThing; it contains healthy talk and constructive information exchange. As the statement in Q& A of LibraryThing, one answer to this question refers that “LibraryThing is not a dating site”.
Fourth: The feature of Tag is useful to perform the search. On the other hand, it also relates to other members who post the same books. Thus it is easy to know how many persons share the same interest.
I had posted my five books in shuhua's LibraryThing. They are The Five Love Languages of Children, This I Believe, Two Sides of Love, This Is My Best: Great Writers Share Their Favorite Work and Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Week8: Optional Exercise #18 Post to blog through Zoho Writer
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart quotes
“[T]o talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.”
"Music, even in situations of the greatest horror, should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it, and thereby always remain music.”
"It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion.”
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.”
"I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.”
Week8: Exercise #18 Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.
First, Clean Interface:
Comparing the interface with Microsoft Word and Zoho Writer, the latter one obviously looks nicer. The tool bar is user friendly with pictorial icons or words. icons or written buttons, and more user friendly.
Second, Comprehensive features:
As an online word processing tool, Zoho Writer has all the necessary features such as import, export, e-mail, share and so on. I especially like its feature of History which does not only allow me to know what I had done; I can also sort the documents by name, date and time. This feature also applies when I test the blog posting. The feature of Format gives the user a quick option to start the document. Other features provide options too. For example, the feature of e-mail allows mail-in or mail-out; the feature of share allows read only or read & write options.
Third, Connect to blogs:
Zoho Writer has a wonderful feature to allow the user to post the writing to the Blog directly. I think this is a very convenient feature to many users who have their personal blogs.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Week7: Exercise#17 Add an entry to the SJLibrary Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki
Week 7: Exercise #16 Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them
I became disappointed that the content of Wiki might have gone through several “cosmetic surgeries” by different persons. After that, I did not revisit Wiki for a long time. This week’s exercise absolutely gave me a chance to unveil Wiki and rediscovered its values.
I explored some library’s Wikis. They are all done beautifully. What I like best is its usage as a pathfinder and the special event tool. I am especially impressed by SJCPL’s Subject Guide. The layout is so simple, clean and uncluttered. The content is also well organized. ALA used Wiki to post its special event. Apparently it was a wonderful communication tool to inform many people without least efforts.
To conclude my blogging about Wiki, I want to say “Wiki, I still love you! “
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Week6: Exercise #15 Read a few Perspectives on Web 2.0. Future of Libraries
I agree with the concept that Michael Stephens points out in his article, the library is human. In my opinion, the two fundamental requirements for a library to be human include openness and accessibility. The librarian’s attitude of adapting changes and accepting challenges decides how the library serves its community. Library 2.0 is thus a good tool to spot the popular taste and technological trends.
In addition, I concur with Dr. Wendy Schultz’s viewpoint: the library should be barrier-free and the library service must be globally accessible. To me, it means the virtual services and electronic resources are absolutely necessary for the public library to compete with many online 24/7 information stores. Library 2.0 is therefore an adequate tool to organize and to inform the diverse activities and programs that the library can plan.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Week6: Exercise #14 Explore Technorati and learn how tags work with blog posts
One new finding that I observed is Technorati really makes its search function easy to use for all levels of users. I made an experimental search with the phrase Learning 2.0. I got different number of results while I set the field into three categories: All Blogs, Blog Directory and Tags. There was no surprise that I retrieved the most results in All Blogs, which were 31,863. However, I went to advanced search and refined the phrase into the EXACT phrase. I got only 715 results. The number of results obviously dwindled drastically.
In addition, Technorati gave me options to limit my search into various suggested categories such as Libraries, Web2.0, library2.0 Librarians etc. What does it mean to me as a librarian? I think I can use this powerful feature to organize good blogs for reference purpose or even I can use it as an educational tool.
As far as Technorati’s Favorites and Popular, I do not feel very impressive. To me, it is just another site for the unofficial picks. However, I do like Technorati’s timeliness and accuracy of the links which I think is very important.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Week6: Exercise#13 Learn about tagging and discover (a social bookmaking site)
I enjoyed watching the short video tutorial since gives me an overview of the very basic functions of Ms. Kathleen Gilroy introduced several fundamental advantages of using : Find good materials on a topic, Build a shared reading list and Connect with other people. While I explored, I confirmed the feature of sharing and connecting is excellent to be used in the library. For example, if the staff in the library picks a unique tag, then people can connect with each other and sharing the information. I think it would be an efficient tool regards communicating and sharing.
The two articles gave me more understanding about The help menu from is also very thorough. I particular think the Popular tags is a good feature which helps to know how many people had saved this link. In my opinion, this is a very useful function that the librarians can use to organize the links for library’s online catalog. For example, Library Thing has 8375 subscription so I can know that this source is valuable. Therefore, I can introduce it in the library blog or online catalog.
Overall, this week’s lesson is helpful. I am sure that I will use it in the future as a bookmarking tool for both work and personal use.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Week5: Exercise #12 Rollyo
This week's exercise is extremely useful. I think Rollyo is a powerful reference tool which is like a miniatured search engines. I like its sharing feature and the flexibility of editing posts. The library definitely can use this tool to customize the reference sites to enhance service quality.
I created a Rollyo account with the topic: Legal Research following this link My Search Roll.
I also created a search box in the following.
These are the web sites that I compiled for legal research.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Week5: Exercise #11 Explore Web 2.0 awards list
Over all, I think this award list has its high standard of evaluation and credibility since I observed there are some categories without any winners.
I am impressed by the categories of Classified &Business Directories and Collaborative Writing & Word Processing. I like the Craigslist for its comprehensive coverage, free services, clean layout and ease of use. This is a useful classified list that I would recommend to the library customers when they are look for housing, free stuff, jobs, sale items etc. I heard a friend who purchased an used car with reasonable price; therefore, I assume this might be a good place for car purchase too.
The Collaborative Writing and Word Processing list is a wonderful resource to know. I have been using Google for a long time but I never knew Google has this online word processing feature. I would recommend this list to the library customers who want an easy collaborative word processing tool for group projects. I explored all the three winners in this category and recommended they were excellent tools which are easy to use.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Week5:Exercise #10 Online image generator
Then the following image will just tell the message perfectly.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Week4: Exercise #9 Locating Library Blogs and News Feeds
Exercise 9 provides four search tools. I found out each has its strength and weakness.
Feedster- The layout of this site is simple and clean. It is easy to navigate. I like best the function Subscribe to this search which locates right after the search box. The position is obvious that the users won’t miss it. Also, there is less advertisement for this site.
I think this is a good choice for the users who want quality search results. This is an excellent search tool which contains a wide range of information. I like the menu bars best which gives a clear idea where to start. I especially found out the organization of all topics and forums are useful. This is a good search tool for all levels of users. It is especially helpful for the users without any searching experiences. The well constructed topics are helpful for them to start a productive search. is an open directory with free submission. There is no wonder that I found out the information is disorganized and chaotic. I do not think this is a good search tool.
Technorati- It seems to me that this search tool is most appropriate to the users who want the information about popularity. The three broad categories, Popular, Top Searches and Top Tags, display the popular interests. I would use this search tool if I want to find the news feeds and blogs that are appealing to majority of people
Friday, February 9, 2007
Week4: Exercise#8 Learning about RSS feeds and Set up Bloglines Account
First of all, I would like to say RSS feeds is an advanced technology to get the most current news in a simple and efficient manner. It allows me to browse the headlines and filters the ones that I am interested and rule out the ones that I do not enjoy.
Setting a blogline account and add news feed is simple to me.
However, I encountered problems when I followed the instructions to find the Share tab within my Bloglines account. The screen print is not the same as what I saw on my bloglines account.
Could you tell me how to do the following things?
1. How to share it with the public: I cannot find the share tab to make it public.
2. How to remove the feeds that I do not want to subscribe: I have the problem of removing the feeds when I accidentally added it. I could not take it off.
3. Can I arrange the feeds into folders?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Week#3: Exercise 7 New technology
The technology that I like most is the invention of digital camera. It saves me the space to store the photos, the money to develop the photos and the time to organize them.
I can view in the computer, modify the imperfect parts and delete the ones that I dislike.
The other technology that I like is cell phone which allows me to talk to friends without restriction of time and places. However, it also brings certain discomfort to life too. I know some friends who work in the field of computer engineering. Now their private life was spoiled because the cell phone call from their boss at the night from different time zone. That is a pain... I feel pity for them.
Oh well, technology can be sweet or bitter.....
Week#3: Exercise 6 Exploring Flickr and 3rd party sites
In this exercise, I found Fd's flickr toy sites is fascinating. I tried a couple of them.
I used the same 4 photos for exercise 5 and made a mosaic photo.
I am sure making a trading card is fun too. I will try that when I have more time :-).
Another 3rd party tool that I found helpful is the trip planner from Yahoo. After I entered a planned date for a specific destination, a list of hotels with star ranking showed up. There is also the information from other travelers who wrote about their traveling experiences and photos for that place. I think this is marvelous to get the comprehensive information at the same time.
Week3: Exercise 5 loading images
The following is some photos that I took in New Orleans.
Photo #1: Eillen and Me
Eileen was my roommate in the Spectrum Leadership Institute. We never met each other before but we are now buddies. She is a Chinese born in Brazil. She cannot speak a word in Madarin but is fluent in Spanish. We communicate with English and plenty of laughers.....
Photo#2: French Square and Me
There are many stores selling feathered masks in New Orleans.
Here is one photo I took in front of a mask shop.
Photo#3: We are all from San Jose
Here is a photo I took with three spectrum scholars from SJSU. We all study in the same library school but do not meet each other till the day we were in the leadership institue.
Photo#4: Volunteering at Diversity booth
This is a photo of me taken at the ALA booth while I volunteered for the dollar campaign for diversity.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Week2: Exercise 3&4
In fact, it is fairly simple. I tried using different fonts and templates before publishing.
At last, I chose the one that I think is "decent" in color and design for a librarian's blog.
Although it is encouraged to learn this at work hours, I found it is easier to do this at home which allows to learn in a quiet moment without interruption while I feel more relaxed and focused. The only disadvantage is I can not register my blog through SJPL mail for this exercise at home. Overall, I prefer learning at my own pace at home environment.
Week 1: Exercise1&2
The first week of exercise is introduction and understanding my learning style. I learned Blogging has been around for a while. There are many libraries have been using this to communicate with their communities for the current events and news. I am excited about the 9 weeks of learning process. I am sure I can apply my knowledge right away after I complete this course.
The slide show about learning style helped me understand what kind of learner I am. I belong to the group of learners who need structured curriculum and clear instruction. Also I prefer the class which does not proceed for a long time. Therefore, the 23 things course is just right for me to start.
Thanks for the SJ instruction team to provide me this learning opportunity. I cannot wait to explore more!